Originally Posted by Memphis370Z
Ha ha! I'm too old to drive MT and I'm too old to be antagonistic, JARblue!
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Since when is it ever to old to be antagonistic? I am an old fart getting more antagonistic every day. Just ask my wife, she'll tell you, in the most antagonistic way possible

She rocks.
I got the 6MT sport package since I like shifting an MT and that SRM makes it sweet.
As far as I am concerned the AT/MT argument is really personal preference. Most of you guys that think AT is a waste of time have probably never driven one in anger. The fact is, in this day and age AT performance on performance cars have improved to the point that, all other factors being the same (car, age, HP, Torque, driver skill, etc.) the AT will invariably win. It has no care about the type of racing either, road or drag racing. Tech is improving performance across the board so get used to it. And the DCT is just going to get better and better and more available as time marches on. Here watch this video about the Porsche 911 Turbo S ...
OK, not fair you say, $200K car you say. It's where it starts. And that PDK is on the Cayman as well, and it rocks and I'm betting has similar longevity if not exactly the same.
Ok, I'm done.