Originally Posted by 11Thumper
Jesus, I would have just pulled over and grabbed a pint (or 4) to wait it out...
You took the damn thing off road 4x4 style? 
No where to pull off. The shoulder was being used as a lane. And the embankment drops off pretty quick. Also, the nearest bar was across the highway.
Yes I did. It was a very calculated maneuver though. I was getting frustrated that no one was attempting to cross (I would have done so way sooner in any of my previous SUVs). Finally a few pick up trucks started crossing where the slopes weren't quite as steep. I watched their various paths because I couldn't see the ground due to the weeds and I didn't want to take a sharp angle down the hill. Finally, two trucks took the same shallow path, which seemed very smooth as I watched their suspension. I noted the exact location, and when I approached, I followed the same. No issues