I'm confused... Did dealership tamper with my airbag?
Three weeks ago I brought my 09 370z in to the Nissan dealership for a seatbelt warranty repair. Very straight forward fix, seatbelts are covered for 10 years. Fast forward 12 hours till later that night... I'm driving down the freeway when I realize my steering wheel is no longer aligned with the front wheels. I'm driving in a straight line, but my steering wheel is off several degrees to the right.
How could this happen? What could possibly cause this other than someone removing my steering wheel and replacing it off one spline? I haven't hit any curbs...
Why would the dealership remove my steering wheel to fix a seatbelt? Why would the dealership remove my steering wheel without telling me?
I do have one ugly suspicion... I just thought I should take general concensus on this forum before I go into the dealership Monday morning.