Originally Posted by Duc_Z09
That's so ridiculous that I actually wouldn't put it past our government to claim that. From my experience it's the people driving manual who are more engaged in driving (partly because they enjoy it, partly because MT forces you to pay attention) and are way less likely to be applying makeup while texting their babysitter and simultaneously eating a hamburger while yelling at the kids in the back seat.  Of the worst driver's I've personally met, not a single one knew how to drive a clutch.
I personally am way to scared to fiddle with anything while driving, However i have successfully managed to drive and take swigs of coffee/tea in between shifts

But there is no way you will ever see me even glance at my phone. I pull over if its that important...
Originally Posted by Tadpole
None of my kids or my wife can drive a manual. Six to one ratio in my household and this should tell you something.
Sports cars will be the only ones with a manual or possibly come to a special order for them. I'm not hating on the manuals at all but I do see the light on where we are going on transmissions.
Enjoy them while you can.
Ratio in my house is 4 out of 4 all currently drive MT. Houses vary i guess.
All in all everyone's becoming lazier and fatter, It's just one less thing people want to do. I know a lot of people that just see MT as "stupid", they see it as old people trying to cling on to their past or people that think its all about "man status" and pointless. Just ask some of your AT guys here on the forum, they would all argue its faster than MT as a defense

. I honestly do not want MT to die, but i have a feeling it just might