Originally Posted by Nut_N_Much
The image below was done 4 years ago, the image on top is the new XB's retrofitsource.com sells. They are already sealed with a clear resin. Good thing is you don't need anything but the halo's, they are sized to fit perfectly in the channel of the projector shroud.
No need for the clear lenses anymore unless you like the look.
Thanks for the reply!!
If I decided to go with the clear lenses where would I go for them? are the clear lens brighter or reduces the brightness(I perfer brighter). If I purchase the halos(pic below) including the color changing remote would it be a plug and play type deal or would I have to tinker with it? And I'm assuming the control module will have to be outside the lens right?
I'm asking a few questions since I don't want to mess this up.
I'll rep u up when I figure how to do so.
Thank you tons!