Originally Posted by TypeOne
Sure it has Synchro-rev match, but it's not hugely popular... not to mention that it's the ONLY car it has ever been offered on. .
Um ... obviously Chevrolet thinks syncro-rev matching is a good idea. It's in the Corvette. It is one of the primary reasons I went with the Z. I was contemplating Camaro/Mustang when I bought the Z. The Z does look much better than either of those as well. It'll be a classic.
One of the problems it will face is the haters in the car rag community. They had an off track experience with badly failed brakes and that was it for the Z as far as most of them seem to be concerned. I have to wonder what happened between Nissan and the car rag folk when that happened because after that story, coverage just dried up. Before that story the car rags were all aglow about the Z. However, we are now seeing stories emerge that speak of used 370Z's as an inexpensive speed and handling bargain.
So who knows. I voted yes. Cuz I have one and it looks and drives like I want a sports car to look and drive. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to own it.