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Old 02-12-2015, 07:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
Base Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: california
Posts: 27
Drives: 40th 370z
Rep Power: 11
androger is on a distinguished road
Default Completed So Far

So, as you guys know, I bought the 370z that was in an accident. So far to date, the car still drives amazingly (a lot of road noise that I attribute to the tires), and I have been working to line the body lines back up. I pulled the front bumper and everything looks good behind it (with the exception of the foam absorber being upside down lol). I replaced the bumper support bracket and the hood hinges and lined everything back up. Additionally, I have been going over the car with a fine toothed comb to ensure that everything is within stock specs. I added some clips and plastic rivets to reattach some of the weather stripping, but other than that things have looked good.

Other than that, I added a tow-hook mounted front license plate mount and have drained, flushed, and changed the rear diff fluid with some royal purple goodness. I also pulled the passenger-side fender and moved the passenger-side door up in-line with the rest of the body lines. I also just placed my order for the RJM clutch pedal :-)

Hope things are going well for you guys and I will keep trolling the classifieds for an exhaust, intake, and engine/tranny/rear diff mounts. I've also been highly debating dropping the money on the Fuji body kit that is in the classifieds section ;-)
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