Originally Posted by Tadpole
Welcome! I will drop by and you can sound proof my Z next! 
Haha come by anytime I'd be glad to lend a hand!
Originally Posted by Kaldaien
Will you eventually sound"proof" the floors too? I have been contemplating doing that, but have no idea how much material I would need to order; Nissan doesn't really publish interior cab floor surface area 
Like you, I also have no clue how much material is required. I am contemplating doing this, however I am a bit skeptical in my abilities to lift out the seats without causing a single scratch. I am very OCD by nature....I will NOT create a scratch on this thing, as irrational as that may sound to some lol.
Originally Posted by Felix 808
Clean loooking car, very nice. Congrats & enjoy 
Thank you!
Originally Posted by JARblue
You lucky son of bitch!! That would be Mike's Z (gurneyeagle here on the forum). He has taken incredible care of it and has done a lot of very tasteful and functional mods. Enjoy it!
FWIW, the GTmat is better at vibration dampening than noise. I installed their Onyx product in my hatch. Get some closed cell foam to go on top of the GTmat if you really want to reduce noise. Tires also make a big difference if you value quietness over performance.
Hahhaaaa! Lucky I am indeed!

I am loving every moment I have with it when I am in town. Otherwise, it hangs out in my garage on a battery tender.
Originally Posted by /Angelo350Z/
Congrats, great looking Z you got there. I love those wheels  .
Thank you! I am truly obsessed with the wheels, among other things.
Originally Posted by JARblue
GTMat has several products from very basic to highly functional. I think only the Quadro comes with the CCF though. And I don't think they offered the Quadro when I initially purchased the Onyx (I got it through a forum member that used to work there at the time). The OP said he used the 80 mil Ultra, which I believe is a step down from the Onyx, whereas the Quadro is a big step up from the Onyx. I'm pretty sure generic CCF is cheap, so that's the route I plan to go eventually.
JARblue, I would have to agree with you. After taking it out for a few miles, it has become clear to me that this is less of a "sound deadening" material and more of a vibration dampener. Don't get me wrong, it still did the job, but not to the extent I imagined it would. Also, I made a mistake in my original post. Initially, I ordered GTmat 110 mil. However, the package I had received had multiple "80 mil Ultra" stickers on it. After some research and conversing with a GTmat rep, Kevin, I came to the conclusion that they did indeed send me 110 mil. I'm sure I will add some CCF in the near future. Thanks for the advice!
Originally Posted by SuperZeto
Nice car man. I've had my '09 Z since 2011. Love it!
Thank you!
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Thanks Mr. JAR!
Nemo is a great guy, and I was relieved to sell my car to someone who appreciated it.
I'm anxious to see the ongoing improvements.
Thanks Gurneyeagle! I'll keep everyone updated as I move forward!