Got a warning for going 76 in a 60. Except I was in 2nd gear when he was paced me lol. I punched it in 1st and 2nd from a stop light and was already shifting from 2nd gear to 5th at ~62 mph when he lit me up. He told me he paced me at 76, and I told him there was no way I even hit 65 especially since I had seen him pull up behind the car behind me at the light. After some discussion, which was quite cordial, he started to understand how the pace thing could be wrong in this particular circumstance. He gave me two separate warnings: one for the speed (which was wrong) and one because my rear tires getting a little squirrely on launch (that was not on purpose

He also mentioned that he was glad he didn't pull me over for using my cell phone. It's a new law in Austin, and he said he's pulled over more people than he can count for it, as well as seeing just about anyone he passes on the road using them

We both agreed to be careful out there and went about our separate ways