Originally Posted by Haboob
No, by the actual call. It was a catch, no two-ways about it.
Meh, they've played out that stupid puppy and clydesdale commercial. Time for something new.
And the stupid animal lovers got the GoDaddy ad pulled. ******* twats. It's a commercial! It's not real life!
You are so biased lol. According to the rule book, it was incomplete. A lunge is not defined in the rule book as a football move, so you have no argument. I don't disagree with you that it should have been ruled a catch. The rules should be changed. But the refs made the correct call according to the rules. No two ways about it.
I haven't seen a puppy and Clydesdale commercial like that one before. Sure they have puppies and stuff and they're cute and all. But nothing like the lost puppy story. I'm sorry you have a heart of stone
What GoDaddy commercial? Was it any good?