Originally Posted by R0bDC
They will not do that install anything that its not theirs
Who cares? We have already established that shop is just ripping you off. If you use them, you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Then take it somewhere else. A$100 tow will save you $1000 or more.

No question here. Take the car to another shop asap.
Originally Posted by Scott@Synergy
Just looked online, that's all retail but the clutch. OE clutch is $750 retail, $613 discount.
Ummm... not sure where you got your retail prices, but $160+ for the CMC and CSC is AT LEAST 20% markup over the dealer prices. And like 50% markup over the lowest prices on the web ($105-110 for either one). All of those parts are ridiculously overpriced. They also probably have incompetent low wage employees to keep that profit margin maximized. Fvck shops like that