Originally Posted by kenchan
... b..b..but the fluid is black and stinky!
 im not sure, but even the non vsld ones probably need to be changed as the diff oil lubes the gears too.

I heard that the open diff doesn't have to work as hard as the VLSD. But I'm sure you're right to some extent. Maybe just not as often. And considering the diff fluid is recommended at like 60K I think and I find it dirty enough for changing at 15K then, changing the base diff fluid probably isn't a bad idea at 80K+ miles lol
Originally Posted by kenchan
the z's factory coolant has like a super extended life of 6yrs or 7yrs or something. ive not changed mine yet (5yrs old).
if it's low and since you're in the south, you can just add distilled water in the reservoir until it's time to change it.
10 years or 135K miles
I actually have the blue coolant. I top it off for her every once in a while.