So after viewing a lot of you videos I decided to take out my hardly ever used meguires random orbital out to do some detailing. Fortunately for myself, you instilled the fact that one should do a small part at a time and check results before moving forward. Well, I checked and noticed "a few pigtails" on my rear fender.
I am aware that a foreign particle must have entered onto the pad to cause this, fortunately for me the pigtailing wasnt too deep and got removed by hand and the use of ultimate compound.
So I started doing the other rear fender with another pad, and guess what the same shizzle. I duly stopped as I have totally lost my confidence in this task.
Was hoping you could instill some advisories on this issue, I am thinking perhaps I moved the pad too close to the edge of the panel and some contaminants got attached. I dunno to be honest, the irony is when I do other peoples cars ( for free ) I never have issues, but when it comes to my own all crap hits the fan,.
thank you