Originally Posted by 370Zsteve
He just needs some people skills  . Y'know in a way, they're both right. Although the film is tough, there is no way it could be tougher than the old bras. Biggest problem with the Wonderbras is their looks. No doubt the Ferrari and Lambo owners are just as concerned about their looks as they are with protecting their paint.
Back in the olde days, a couple of my rigs had the wonderbras. Biggest problem was al the crap that got underneath them. No way a car is gonna look good after 100,000 miles when it's got stuff festering under one of those bad-boys. 
"Y'know in a way, they're both right"
This is very true, sometimes it is just fine to "agree to disagree" and respect the other man's opinion. I love all the fights that occur over "styling and asthetics", where there is no right or wrong, just personal preference. Then again, when everyone thinks something is hideous, and you happen to like it, you're much better off sometimes to keep it to yourself and avoid criticism, and just enjoy what you like.