Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
I wonder if the brake shuddering a few folks inc the OP are describing might be related to the oem akebono calipers? Seems like everyone with the problem has or is currently tracking on the stock calipers. Perpaps one or bothhave warped somhow or the pistons are messed up in one of them?
With toe settings at 0 or slight toe in in the rear, the cars should be tracking straight at speed so it doesnt appear to be a toe setting issue, that was why i mentioned it earlier.
Could the left caliper be not completely releasing and cause the car to pull ever so slightly to the left perhaps?
These are some strange issues.
I'm tracking with the Akebono's with no problems. I also run a Hard Brake heat shield between the pads and pistons.
Another thing too. Might have one piston hanging up in a caliper. But you could see that in pad wear.