If anyone has plans to upgrade from base to the Akebono sport brake system, save yourself time and headache by opting for the short banjo bolts because the ones for the base model will not work. I had to find out the hard way because I had to order them from Z1 Motorsports and I also stripped the threading of a front caliper as result of using the longer base bolt.
I just re-ordered that caliper because I want to complete the project right without a repair and don't want to compromise the seal in any way. With the caliper being aluminum and fairly soft especially threading a bolt into it you don't want to cut corners. Spending $16.00 on these bolts may save you the additional $250.00 I had to fork over for one caliper.
Just needed to vent and help out to those who are pondering such upgrade. Otherwise everything else bolted on smoothly without issue. Shout out to Z1 Motorsports though for being top-notch in service for my multiple needs throughout the week!