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Old 01-20-2015, 07:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Z1 test pipes vs others

Hello folks!
i bought a pair of z1 test pipes and they look great! I have absolutely no problems with how they look. However I have not installed these test pipes because I am scared of how they may sound. I love a great sounding car, but I'm afraid that with these test pipes on its going to be too loud for my everyday driving. My friend has a g35 with test pipes, beluga catback and intake on it and it might as well not have a exhuast system on it that's how loud it is(very very loud) . I do not want my car to be loud! I have Stillen catback and header, along with the stillen G3 and z1 intake mani. And stock cats As of right now the car sounds perfect. I was looking at fast intentions resonated in hopes it wouldn't be as loud.
Anyways what I'm hoping to get out of this is someone who has similar mods as me, but with test pipes also. How loud is it scale of 1-10?
Yes I've looked up YouTube videos but that will never be a good comparison to the sound in person. And by loudness I mean cabin noise.
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