Originally Posted by jay hapy
Sumter SC, Thanks
Yes, been following the club for about a month now. Reading up on some of the Z's Pro's and Con's. Also Anyone pick up the New Escort Max2? I grabbed one still learning the App it Bluetooth's with. I know Cola on I26 is hot with State boys and I do a lot of travel to Ashville Area. figure I would grab one since the speedo on the Z is a crapshoot on what speed your really doing And...If anyone is selling a used exhaust in the area I might be interested if the price is right.
Welcome to the club then. I have the Escort Max as well, and it can be quite a money saver if you regularly exceed the speed limit.
My Z's speedo is about 1mph off at 65mph according to the Max, and it's 2mph off at 100mph.