Last night I did my buddy's 2013 STi and pad was producing SO MUCH dust and I'm not really sure why. I kept spraying it to make it a little damp which should help. And right when I was done with that pad it got pretty hot on the back of the backing plate and pad. I didn't know until I went to take it off. I keep having problems with these orange pads but I really like the white pad and m105.
Anyway the results came out awesome and took me 7 hours. From 9 pm to 4 am.
I did try out speed 6 a little and I think that's what messed the orange pad up maybe for some reason. Any advice guys? I never really had dust problems with either pad
BC - SSR - Evo-R - ViS - SPC - ZSpeed - Beluga - Blox - 35% Tint - Clutch Spring - Fang Forced Air Ducting