Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
hahahahahaha!!!! good to you buddy  well if this make you feel better i track my car too... like i said... everyone have their opinion.... the reason that i mention that my Z is for daily commute is cause for me the springs are very capable for track use and have the comfort to drive every day...
Im not putting a handgun in the head to anyone... and say hey buy Swift springs or i shoot you.... Im giving my review of something that i install in my Z and of course i take the time to do a research before make the decision to buy it...
I respect your opinion... and I hope you respect mine
If you dont like them... its simple dont install them... what you said are not going to change my mind on my review
Have a nice day dude!!! i hope i dont hurt your feelings 
My feelings aren't hurt man. What you choose to do with your car and how you see it are definitely your opinion and up to you.
I just want the OP to have an informed understanding of modification choices since suspension intricacies can be a very complicated thing. There's a lot that goes into it besides a spring.
Happy Friday, and have a good weekend!