Originally Posted by YzGyz
Should I crack the 2 triangle flanges that goes to the cat loose right now? The transmission is down and out of the way. I don't think I will every get as open of an angle to crack them loose as now. Me thinking yes, as I have already sprayed pb on them. Pic #10 on Shasha's original post on page 1. I need to stop by Harbor F and pick up a torque set and a darn 1/2 pneumatic impact gun. Stupid torques bolts are stuck.
-I would recommend getting a 1/2 inch breaker bar + cheater bar. You virtually have to break those bolts to remove them. My attempts with an impact were disappointing to say the least. The top one, especially, is a pain and needs a collection of extensions. I used a 4 ft. bar and had to hang on it.
I agree with jwick as well - exhaust leak is imminent if you break them off now and intend to drive the car.