Originally Posted by njobe89
yea i'd say 35-45 is doable... like you said anything over that would be pushing it and in my opinion not worth it.
the sticker price on my 13 was 29,500
yea your 13 can suck my balls. lost 4k off my value due to the price drop lol
Originally Posted by theDreamer
It all depends on how they plan to do the Z.
If they go 2 motor (4 banger T/NA & V6TT) I could see a 25k starting price for the low end Z to get people in, then for the TT you jump up to 35k and performance (Nismo) 40-45k starting price and all staying under 50k. Anything over that you are approaching GTR and pushing the Z out of its class and we don't want another 300zx again.

not a chance I would even consider the 4 banger. 400+HP TT V6 though.....take my money NOW lol factory boost that can probably get aftermarket bump to 600HP no problem.