Originally Posted by 180°|Custom
Hey Tony,
I apologize for the wait, but headlights for this car aren't that easy to come by yet.
Every time you call or email, I answer, that is my job, Igor is here, his job is creating these beautiful headlights. Also you have my personal cell phone number, I don't know how or where you got it, but i never thought twice about telling you to call the shop phone.
The last time we were in contact you said you didn't want to wait anymore, so i got you a price for a used headlight and a brand new headlight, I never heard back from you. I doubt i can still even get that used headlight anymore.
If you can get them for a better price somewhere, by all means, I tried my best to get you the lowest price i could as fast as i could.
We would like to have you as a customer, so im willing to offer you $100 discount on any work over $600, not including the cost of replacement lights.
Please call me if you have any questions.
I emailed you guys right back on November 21st, . my email account name is
Anyways, I will call you or we can communicate through private messages on this site . Thanks.