Well, I tackled the AEM intake install. Hotrodz was awesome enough to give me his old set! I admit to being a bit nervous doing it myself and took my time with it. It took me a solid six hours. I was missing the new harness for the windshield washer pump so that's not working, I also had to use the filler neck to recut some new pieces for the breather tube on the driver side. The stuff was splitting on my first cut, so I had to use more than I wanted. The driver side bottom hanger and end of the tube were bent out of shape so I was wrestling to straighten both of those out as well. The reservoir is mounted and ready to go when I get a replacement harness in. For some reason one of the tubes were missing the AEM sticker. So after triple checking my handiwork, I ziptied odds and ends down and put it back together. I turned it on before buttoning up the front end and rev'd her a few times to see of the maf's were happy, if the engine sounded fine and for any vibrations. Everything sounded normal so I turned her off and finished putting everything back together. I do want to point out that the AC line is very close to the driver intake tube. I ensured the tube was tight in its mounting points and pulled the line away just enough to have 1/4" of clearance. After I cleaned everything up, I drove it a couple miles down the road to meet my wife for the games and everything ran like a champ. I still need to put in some good miles on it to check for any stumbling, throttle latency, and any other unwanted symptoms. I think I can finally start a new build thread for my new car. Next project is hopefully exhaust and oil cooler. If I blast through those just fine, I'll attempt to install the RRP myself. Anyways, a few pics of my handiwork.