Originally Posted by u155282
^Similar story here too. It started with him tailgating super close, so I just hit the brakes and let it decelerate a good 30 mph. Cars whizz by on the right so he can't jump over. He starts flashing his brights and honking like crazy. I let it ride nice and slow. A spot finally opens on the right for him and he takes it. Low and behold, it's a goddamned prius. I'm in my old 96 Saturn mind you. He tries to pass, we both gun it, and I burn him at a snails pace and he had to get behind me again. This whole scenario repeated itself twice more before he got tired of me and started tailgating people in the other lanes, weaving in and out of traffic.
^Interesting. Today some fag in a beemer pulled out of a lot crossing two lanes to get behind me (I'm in que to turn left at a stoplight) and didn't turn wide enough so he's blocking traffic in the next lane over for people who want to go straight. Attempting to make things better I assume, he inches as close as possible to my bumber. I've got a stick and we're on a steep- I mean STEEP- *** hill. The car in front of me moved forward a little so I rolled back ever so slightly before moving up myself in hopes of making him aware that maybe he shouldn't have done that. What does the a-hole do? PULLS UP EVEN CLOSER THAN BEFORE. People man. F-ing retarded.
^ that sounds awfully painful, so did you end up tapping his bumper? or pulled the ebrake? lol sometimes when people tail gate me on a steep I usually let my brake go for a split second so they know my car is rolling back so they'll back the f'up or stop rolling towards my ***. But there are times I just don't trust myself with a 2" gap so I would pull the ebrake and do the noob hill method LOL.