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Old 12-03-2009, 10:26 PM   #27 (permalink)
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u155282 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by YamahaR6 View Post
Similar story:

Was in traffic on the fast lane, going around 60km/h on highway. There was about 2-3 cars length in front of me and an Honda Accord tailgating. No idea why when there's traffic. Traffic cleared back to normal speed 100km/h.

The Honda pulls to the center lane gave me the finger while doing so and tried to pass me, but I accelerated and not allowed him to do so. Honda ended up tailgating me again.

My gf told me to stop playing with him. Second attempt to pass me, I let him and he slowed down to 60km/h. I changed to center lane Honda accelerated as soon as I did but I managed to past him.

I really don't understand what people are thinking. And I wasn't driving the Z, I was in a 997TT.
^Similar story here too. It started with him tailgating super close, so I just hit the brakes and let it decelerate a good 30 mph. Cars whizz by on the right so he can't jump over. He starts flashing his brights and honking like crazy. I let it ride nice and slow. A spot finally opens on the right for him and he takes it. Low and behold, it's a goddamned prius. I'm in my old 96 Saturn mind you. He tries to pass, we both gun it, and I burn him at a snails pace and he had to get behind me again. This whole scenario repeated itself twice more before he got tired of me and started tailgating people in the other lanes, weaving in and out of traffic.

Originally Posted by Nick911sc View Post
People do that here on Long Island all the time...At one point some guy in a minivan was tailgating me on the parkway and decided to put his brights on for a good 5 or 10 minutes in traffic. I ended up brake checking him REALLY hard and he stopped.

But I'd be careful with the whole rolling scenario. In a lot of cases it's considered backing up and you're at fault for not having proper control of your vehicle. But it can be turned into your favor if the other driver is not giving you the proper room needed to operate your vehicle.
^Interesting. Today some douche in a beemer pulled out of a lot crossing two lanes to get behind me (I'm in que to turn left at a stoplight) and didn't turn wide enough so he's blocking traffic in the next lane over for people who want to go straight. Attempting to make things better I assume, he inches as close as possible to my bumber. I've got a stick and we're on a steep- I mean STEEP- *** hill. The car in front of me moved forward a little so I rolled back ever so slightly before moving up myself in hopes of making him aware that maybe he shouldn't have done that. What does the a-hole do? PULLS UP EVEN CLOSER THAN BEFORE. People man. F-ing retarded.

Last edited by u155282; 03-25-2010 at 07:38 PM.
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