Originally Posted by Uzair72
Ok so, after the short tails, what should I plan on purchasing? I will evantually get my budget higher but I don't want to spend $800 on the rest of the AAM midpipe.
I first started with the short tails, then several weeks later decided to complete my catback and purchased the midpipe. Having the tails only I felt it didn't get the sound I wanted, plus, by having the full cat-back, it gave me the little extra HPs and a better sound. Sure, it's a lot to spend on little gain and sound, but it satisfied my needs.
If you are so set on sound - not too concerned on the loudness and rasp - then as another member has said.....go to a muffler shop and get them to straight pipe it for you. If you go this route and don't care for it later, then you're only out a couple hundred dollars. Then you can consider completing your catback by getting the midpipe.
I would also recommend getting the polished tips on the short tails. Not only will it save money, but these will look better on your black Z.