I'm running a 100HP shot on my stock tune and been through 7 tanks, 3 tanks @ 75HP and 4 @ 100HP. I'm picking up UPRev pretty soon and will be data logging in the spring. I wish I had something to show you now....
I wouldn't waist my time with a 35HP - 50HP shot. To be honest, 75HP was a great starting point. I heard Z1 has dyno tuned some Z's with nitrous so maybe you could give them a call to pick their brain.
Originally Posted by Rockrover
Gotta' be a first for everything right?
I was thinking the same thing wih the data-logging. Start with the 35 shot, log, adjust if required and move up from there. I just have to find the right tuner to help with an e-tune for No2. Any ideas? Z1?
Still wondering how much more advance is programed on the Nismo versus other tunes. Time to make some calls.