Originally Posted by koeppelnissan
We have 4 GTR's in stock (White, Super Silver and 2 Black), should I get one ready for you?
HAHA... I don't have the money for one, but thanks! I owed 16K on the car and I should be getting about 31-32K back total, so I should have about 16K to play with which will practically get me another Z06 cash. LOL That's a bargain to me.
Originally Posted by jookiyaya
holy crap, i mean besides the crash were you ok?
amazing you came out there with no scratches... dayam... how much did the adjuster say the total amount was?
Originally Posted by jookiyaya
not too much but thanks for caring...
yeah no problem ur the best.
LOL! Comedy...
No idea what the adjuster is going to say for the total. But I insured everything on the car, including the wheels which are $5K wheels.

So at least 27-28K for the car (at the minimum otherwise I'm fighting it) and 5K for the wheels.