For the 3rd time seeing an Cayman S at full throttle and I have to say "DAM" those things sound friggin insane. First time I thought it was had a modified exhaust, but then I encountered another one that sounded the same, could be possible that there both modified, ok I can go with that too, but last night yet another one that sounded the same as well and we were toying around a bit on the highway and "OH MAN" that sound is epic.....................I was in my SRT8 and threw him a beating, but he definitely sounded better

I want the loudest most obnoxious exhaust there is at full throttle for my car as my next mod. The fan favorite on here is the Fast Intentions by far and some of the exhaust clips I've heard seem to be on point for what I'm looking for, but I would love to hear one in person.