Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Hey bro thanks!!! i hope you have a great day and a excellent weekend to
Hell yeah i have already the side blades, everything looks good... i show the blades to my Z and damn i can wait to install them  looks +100 a lot better... now im going to order the rear spats and im done  My paint shop quote me $400.00 for paint the front bumper, fix the front lip and painted in PW, paint side blades flat black and rear spats PW with flat black, also they are going paint the rear balance in flat balck... right now is on plasti dip  hahaha!! i think that the price is not bad....
BTW send me some pics of that hood installed bro... can wait to see it 
That is great! That is a heck of a good price for all that paint work. I am hoping for <$400 for the hood alone

I was able to catch the shipping company before the truck rolled out of the warehouse and hood is coming this afternoon!!!