Originally Posted by jwick
Trust me you don't want to pull the intercooler if you don't have too. You definitely don't want to have to remove the oil cooler later one. You have a Z in Houston were temperature are above 90deg half the year. You need the radiator upgrade. Just add it to the list pre-turbo. Chuck and I did it in the garage and it took a little more than half a day. Much less if I had know the heat gun trick for the silicon hoses.
I sleep but my body has typically only needed about 6hrs a night.
I read your install thread and I realize that you did it over several weeks, but overall how many hours would you say it took you and your buddy ?
That lift sure looks like it made life easier too. I'll have to do mine on a set of jacks in the good ole garage.. pending the warden lets me park her car outside for a week or so.