Originally Posted by dislimn
I own a company too and the fact is unless you lather your vehicle up with stickers promoting your company and do a bunch of other stuff -- it's just not worth it to try to lease a car under a corporate name. At least at my income level, SBO type stuff, it's awful suspicious to the IRS to have a $30k+ car under your company
Originally Posted by mishuko
it COULD work but it all depends what the line of business is. if you business is high end cars etc then YES it would be acceptable. if you're an errand business... possibly
if you're an IT company then they will ask you WTF? Unless you somehow incorporate having sports car into your company mandate.... or something like that lol
Thank you. I have no way to say to the IRS, I need an $85K+ car for one or two out of office needs per year.