Originally Posted by Masterbeatty
If a Honda can make a turbo hybrid crz for under 30k with 200 hp. Im sure Nissan can make the Nissan Z with a GDI turbo 4 hybrid for under 35K. Looking at the current trends of turbo 4 bangers making around 275 ish hp, couple an electric motor to it and combined HP should be around 350 ish. I also forgot, the F1 cars are hybrid too and are stupid fast.
Placing a huge turbo on a small engine will have nice top end, then a electric motor to combat the turbo lag and that will be a badass ride.
to be fair a F1 car is not a mass production car... they rebuild their engines everytime. stupid fast is an understatement, but i doubt owners would want to take their car into service every week to rebuil an engine. also placing a huge turbo on a small engine will put excessive strain so my concern at that point is longevity... and knowing how nissan cuts corners would they provide an oil cooler / inter cooler adequately sized to keep the juices cool?
Originally Posted by edub370
we should probably make a few new threads about this in the meantime