Originally Posted by mishuko
i think this is their way of saying 'COME BACK WE NEED YOU!
just a speculation but i had a similiar experience recently with my mom's car... had a bit of rust and the dealership (lexus) offered to fix it up. we did buy 2 cars from them and they know we're in the market for another one in the near future so this could be a 'pay it forward' type deal.
not saying that all dealerships are stealerships but damn son... DAMN! trannie, clutch, flywheel, csc/cmc and a oil change on the house? so are you like brad pitt / leonardo di caprio good looks man? lol
Lol! That's funny. No Brad Pitt here!
Funny that you brought up Leonardo di Caprio, he is a very down to earth and a very humble person. A few years ago as I was pumping gas at a chevron station in Hollywood California, I saw a homeless man and his son sitting against the wall asking for money. While waiting, I walked over and gave them some money, not much like 5 dollars. I turned to my right and I saw Leo, he was just wearing some blue jeans, white t-shirt, and a baseball cap. Very casual nothing fancy. So Leo gave them each a sandwich and a soda, and an envelope with money in it. I don't know how much but it was very nice of him. I talked to Leo for a bit and I told him how he was awesome in the movie The Departed. Super kool guy! As he drove off, I noticed that he was driving a civic hybrid not a lambo or anything super expensive. Just wanted to share that story with you guys.