Originally Posted by FPenvy
i guess this isnt a before and after posted by Z1?
here's the thread too. just in case.
this Synolimit fail brought to you by: FP 
This is FP at his greatest never knowing how to read! Way to post the 400hp pack in a thread not taking about the 400hp pack! Way to go champ!
Now use your useless skill had find a dyno that's relative to the thread. Show me Z1's before and after ABOUT THE THREAD TOPIC ONLY!! that's right, you won't find one like I said. Z1 only shows their ported mani vs a m370. Zero proof of a ported vs unported because like I've said!! I bet it's only good for 1-2hp! We believe we can get 10/10 across the board but only with all 3 parts!! Exactly what I've said and I expect from these items.