Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 i have a sister that was born exactly one year after me (yes. ON MY BIRTHDAY!).  so not only did we always get the same birthday presents but I shared every other thing I ever got with her too.
Not so bad now  now I appreciate all six of my siblings. 
wow, that's kinda probably not a coincidence to have a sibling with same b-day a year apart.
mang if my bro was nice enough to lend me his (mine

) toy car he got by accident... he was a troll back then

and i had this problem of not wanting something that was not absolutely mine. like, i didnt like borrowing things cause i would have to give it back later.
kinda like how i hate leasing cars.
rental cars are fine, since they all lend me garbage..
Originally Posted by JARblue
I assume that's a lot? I often pay closer to $150
Do you grow your own? Us city folk have to pay more for things that come from nature 
mr.jar- wow, you like earn$pend on a tree thats going to die in like 5-6wks.

congrats on the 8' tree.... i need to ask...how the hell did you bring that home?

hope not in you Z.