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Old 12-02-2009, 04:39 PM   #1169 (permalink)
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avitech is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by semtex View Post
No, I probably wouldn't. But I don't think he was unprovoked either, and that's why I'm saying let's try to meet him halfway. Let's look at what happened. After I posted Nissan's official position, he made a post expressing his relief that Nissan would be 'taking some action'. Modshack said what the heck are you talking about, Nissan isn't paying for anything, and avitech clarified that he wasn't trying to say that Nissan is paying for anything -- only that they've provided a part number, and it is for that which he is grateful. Okay, everything's constructive and civil to this point. No name calling, no insults. But then Ricky Bobby comes along and says 'Hey do you even have a Z? Aren't you the guy who won't go over 80? You don't need an oil cooler!' (I'm paraphrasing.) That's when it goes downhill, with Antennahead poking fun by giving him the "Mr. < 80" name. So then avitech gets defensive and stands up for himself by calling him a troll. Now, to be clear, I'm not saying I agree with him calling Antennahead a troll. I'm just trying to recognize that he (avitech) was trying to behave when someone dredged up his past posts to make fun of him. This is what I mean by cutting him some slack. Has he said some dumb crap in the past? Sure. But let's leave the past in the past. Let's not dredge it up every time he tries to start over and post something civil in a thread.

But hey, take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt, cuz I'm loaded up on hydrocodone today after my surgery yesterday.
Well thank you so much for seeing things with an unbiased point of view. I believe Antennahead is still holding a grudge because of my comments I said earlier about his/her hometown. In any case if he/she is listening. It must of sounded worse than it was. I was not putting down the "South" if you will. As a matter of fact I happen to appreciate the South a great deal because it's a nice contrast to California. Atlanta is known to have the best residential housing in the country if not all of the Americas thanks to it's generous attitude toward land use. I have been there. I have seen the South. I was merely making a point about what I have seen in Charleston in particular during one of my journeys over there. I noticed that it had a 3 or 5 story parking garage without a single elevator and all the handicap spaces were at the ground level. When I said these things I wasn't being hypercritical about the south, I was merely being descriptive in order to show to Antennaehead that I have actually been to his hometown.

For example if I were to say that I had a Red Apple. Notice I didn't use any negative adjectives in order to describe the item? It was just pure descriptive.

If I had offended anyone in this whole newsgroup then you have my sincere apologies. Upsetting and or insulting anyone is not and never was my intention.

It's just that wen I hear about other people breaking traffic laws and doing things on the public access roads that are unsafe for the general public at large then I tend to want to encourage safe driving practices.

If you want to drive faster than 80, sure you can. You can do so all day if you want. All I ask is you just do it the legal way by going to a closed race track or by driving in a dry lake bed where it is safe and there are no cars, people, or animals in the way. Aside from that, if you want to travel at higher speeds to get from point A to point B then it's better to try the Autobahn with no speed restrictions. Or better yet, learn how to fly a single engine aircraft.

But driving >100mph on any limited access highway in North America is both illegal and highly not advised or encouraged. Unless of course that stretch of highway is closed down just for racing.

I'm just worried for myself and my friends who have to share the road with speeders who don't respect life.

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