Originally Posted by DOOMMONKEY777
Yep i had one of those already, it sux i know. I was egged also, but my car is white soo no marks, but i have seen red G37 and a r brand new red Ferrari egged right by Rasputin restaurant here on coney island.
Also be glad no one ran u over, just recently a member here was hit in the back, he came out to exchange info the guy that hit him ran him over and ran, got caught by cops that day.
Crazy **** guys be careful and be happy u didnt get ran over.
those darn eggs can make anyone's day a bad one...Back in July on a hot
summer day I was driving my Pearl White Nismo with Van Halen screaming
out my 12 speakers.. While driving under a over pass bridge I looked up and
seen three teenage guys waving to me..I gave them the thumbs up

and the little bastards dropped two eggs on my Nismo....for everyone.. do
not turn on your windshield wipers after being egged on...What the heck
it looked like a whale sent me a happy load

...I almost lost control........
Thank goodness they picked on a guy who can really drive.....