Originally Posted by Jjaden
The whole 'Buy American' policy is so retarded I can't begin to understand the logic.
If everyone only bought goods produced in their own country, much of America would quickly be unemployed.
If Americans only buy American goods why should any other country purchase goods made in America?
Anyhow, fortunately most people disregard this policty and buy goods based on quality, pricing and performance, as opposed to the country the goods are produced.
It stems from the idea that the US used to be a leading manufacturer...and this slogan was formed when there were closing of US Steel mills and other manufacturing businesses moving outside the USA, mostly due to EPA regulations making it cost more to do business here, and they couldn't compete...but the idea was to spend money, even if it is more, on US made items to keep our economy strong and keep the manufacturing companies that made WWII winable, here. (Imagine if we had WWII next week - we can barely keep up with the "war" in Iraq (and now Afganistan) we have now...)
To try and do that today is next to impossible, as most of the items we buy have parts that come from outside the USA, even if they are assembled here.
Also, most people purchase based on perceived value, ie, bang-for-buck.
The Z is a great example of it - in terms of performance cars, it's got the best bang-for-buck of any other performance car out there.