Am I correct that Syno is offering pnp services, but dyno results are on hold until the end of the month?
So... let's all just wait for that?
Or, if one is adventurous, and the services are offered presently as an at-your-own risk mod if at all, then sounds like things are all on the up-and-up so far.
I'm looking forward to the results. The value of the service for the cost (to be determined?) is yet to be clarified, or so I gather, so I don't see why anyone is getting rankled...
Am I missing something/misstating something?
If so, my apologies... I balked at carefully reviewing 30 pages of debate over this matter, given that dynos are scheduled and will be posted in due course.
I mean, look at all the testing, reporting, and analysis I try to share, and I'm not even selling anything -- I just like cars, hypothesis testing, data, and other embarrassingly nerdish things...
In short, I can wait -- I don't see why everyone else can't chill out too. It's Turkey Day. Have some pie and some beer in the meantime