I have 1 big dry towel and several smaller detailer mf's... I use the big towel and lay it down, pick it up and lay it down... as if it's a giant stamp. I don't even bother pat it just let the wicking action work. Then use the detailer mf's to touch up the spots. If water spots appear / steaks / shoddy excuse for a dry work, I just lightly dampen the area or run a bit of water on and wipe away. If it's stubborn use a bit of QD. If it's a real problem (happened once) it's the towels leaving residue. I now use my drying towel twice (max) before tossing into the machine to clean out.
I have added a bunch of scuffs/swirls from my poor washing technique (lack of rinsing / lack of pre wash / lack of cleaning rag / 1 bucket method / working bottom up / amateur hour using my wheel cloth) but majority is in the rear hatch area. As Junkman would say, Technique > Product. Make sure you're using good technique during washing / paint handling and you will be able to avoid those swirls a lot longer!
A lot of the damage happened before and now the damage doesn't happen as noticeably as before!
Last edited by mishuko; 11-24-2014 at 04:50 PM.