Here is a list of REGISTERED Participants!!
1. LimeyZ
2. Zoleman
3. borrowed_z
4. Flar13
5. Jonathan Riffle
6. Ryan Hostetler
7. Shezzzhot
8. Mike Spanos
9. LLL's Z
10. Cody Shirah
11. JCPZ
12. Archie & Jeannette Crichton
13. Ruff
14. Richard Harter
15. gshere4u
16. Clinton Knight
17. Michelle Johnson
18. Tipsz
19. BlackWing
20. _jb
21. MartoZ
22. Greg Gilbert
23. Ian Burias
24. Kennedy
25. w0ady
26. cptspeed
27. Steven Felton
28. Justin
29. UK Z Girl
30. Bill Ferkile
31. Jim@Winmotorsportz
32. Christopher Fricker
33. Danny@WinMotorsportz
34. Nikolie
35. nismonian
36. Sablelieger
37. Juno
38. Jose Rosario
39. --hold---
40. Joshua Lyons
41. Southgachik
42. Michael DeClemente
43. Casey Del Prete
44. Max Jourdan
45. Bradley Horan
46. Justin Quek
47. Joshua Rice
48. Michael Cheung
49.Veronica Jones
50. Dallas Diaz
51. Nick Stephens
Come on out and help us make this year the biggest ever!!