The "kids car" in my family when I got my license at 16 years old was a 1980-something VW Rabbit (Diesel).
I can't remember how cheap Diesel was back in the '90s but it was definitley less than $1/gal. and that car got crazy mileage. I could afford to drive it even on my part-time income from The Gap, LOL.
One day on the way home from work the head gasket blew and I parked it on the side of the road and walked the rest of the way home (before cell phones, LOL). When my Dad got home from work that night I told him what happened, he called someone to arrange a tow and I never saw that car again - still not sure what happened to it.
First vehicle I bought myself was an '89 Nissan Hardbody Pickup.
The Hardbody (funny name, LOL) was a great truck. It was my first Nissan and my Z is my 7th. My wife's had a few Nissans as well - between us we've had 11.