Well guys i dont post right here for a few months ago soo lets me update this thing now lool... Well no to much happening for now the only chage that i made on my Z is plasti dip my front lip flat black and the fang area + i decide to put a red line on it... its temporally cause i have plans too paint my lip PW again... i have to plasti sh!t my lip cause I stuck it on a bump and the paint fck up

Im buying some parts paint them all at the same time... Well here are the pics
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carlitos_370z, on Flickr
And yesterday i give a wax to my Lady
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carlitos_370z, on Flickr
Untitled by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
Untitled by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
Untitled by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
Untitled by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr