Originally Posted by Element600ee
I work for a company that actually specializes in repairing , refinishing and custom finishing wheels . The best product we've found over the years to keep your wheels looking good and to keep brake dust from building up is honda polish in the aerosol can . If you clean the wheels very good then spray the honda polish directly on the wheels then let it sit for a few mins , take a microfiber rag and wipe the wheel off . it will take the brake dust takes 2 to 3 times as long to build up . Usually we suggest that you do this 2 to 3 times a year and use a dish detergent ( this removes any old wax ) before you wax them again . Almost all of the so called wheel cleaners are horrible for wheels . most of them contain silicone or acidic products that actually break down the finish on your wheels over time and cause them to fade/corrode . you can pick up the honda polish at most motorcycle dealers or online . We always say never use anything on your wheels you wouldnt use on your paint .
i wouldnt spray honda polish on my paint, so i guess i wont spray that on my wheels either.

polish is usually abrasive material.. i would definitely not want to polish my wheels and paint every time i wash.