Originally Posted by Wonka2581
Ok ok ok...
1st off I have had no issues with EVO-R... I have the B-pillers (no yellowing)
Now Carbon Signal thats a diffrent story... I did that hole "free lip thing"
and won and never recieved my lip...  All I got was a shipping quote for the price of a "brand new" lip... SO now im over them...
But this is the first GT wing I actually like.... 
Sorry to jump in on the facts you mention, not sure how it is related to the thread and why this false info?
People who participated and won have used the voucher and some got the lips as well, it was from your side when one winner last arranged the pickup and ship from Arizona to you unfortunately you and one other never replied to any of the pms but other two got it. I personally have lots of pms to you which were never replied.
It was shipping to you or you could have arranged a pickup, to be clear we dont offer free international or overseas shipping unless there is some special offer.