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Old 11-12-2014, 10:55 AM   #8 (permalink)
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dant1127 is on a distinguished road

To put BMW money into perspective, I recently fixed up (flipped?) a 90's 740iL with valve cover gaskets, battery, alternator, minor hoses, oil change, spark plugs, 2 or 3 sensors, and a few small parts. Did all the labor myself, bought relatively inexpensive parts. Spent over $2,500. This is an old car with relatively simple/cheap electronics. Most cars that need this sort of minor work cost me around $450.

Hardly apples-to-apples, but for basic high-mileage maintenance this should paint some sort of a picture for you.

Even on a bad Z with every common issue being fixed out of warranty, I would wager that you would still be spending less on the Z.

PS. Do you still have to drop the engine to replace an M-series alternator?

Last edited by dant1127; 11-12-2014 at 11:01 AM.
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