Originally Posted by 6MT-Z34
From what I read, yes and no, he did receive a new part but it was not the correct dimension.....so he had 3 short tails but one that was correct (?) he send them all back for a refund which he got except for the shipping to them.
If I'm wrong I apologize and do please correct
This is mostly correct. I'm looking for the shipping that I paid to have them sent to me since the parts they sent each time were defective and were not sized for my car. They sent out 3 short tails and they weren't sure which size was actually correct.
Originally Posted by FPenvy
ok so either get them to ship new correct parts or eat your $12 shipping and move on.
if you own a Z and are buying $500 parts you shouldn't be complaining over $12 or whatever your shipping is since the OP doesnt have a location listed. you got the big money back and you're bashing a company over $12. thats their cost to hear the OPs bitching i would assume.
i swear some of the people are here who complain about $2 but own Z's. i didn't know car payments could be made with welfare access cards.

Once again, I apologize this post offends you since you have personal ties to AAM. I have a $600/mo. payment for my NISMO Z. I'm a full-time student using money from internships to pay this car off. I bought a $500 part and expect it to be correct. If you cannot ship a correct part and cannot fix your mistake, then you should not be in business. AAM has stopped responding all together. I know you are entitled to your opinion, but they shipped defective parts, which under federal law they are required to provide a
full refund.
Update: Also, let's keep it on topic... I'm not on welfare so let's not open that can of worms.
Originally Posted by Luciano13
My understanding now is that you have no parts and full refund(-shipping).
AAM tried to resend new parts, which were incorrect. They paid send more, paid for the shipping to send back....
Im going to assume that they were going to resend 2 more matching short tails and with you being upset over the first 3, u declined the offer, hence you don't get the shipping cost???
Make sense??
To this end, how do I know the replacements were going to be correct? If they were unsure of which short tails they sent were correct, how are they going to build a correct new set? Of course I did not want to receive them just to find out they don't fit either. In addition, how many attempts should a company be given to correct a mistake that they cannot identify the source of? At the point I decided it was enough, they were shooting in the dark trying to identify the source of their production issues... not a good business model. Their return policy also does not state that shipping costs are non-refundable, unless a package is refused - which at no time did I do.
Originally Posted by Luciano13
My personal opinion.....
AAM did more than they even had too. That's going the extra mile to please a single.customer. Sometimes things simply don't work out. I don't believe you should be so harsh towards AAM 
While I appreciate your opinion, I disagree with you. Like this post has demonstrated, they were shooting in the dark and had no idea where their issues were. They asked me to troubleshoot which set fit so they could identify which tech messed up/where the issue was.. If I bought a part for my car, it should fit, just as you shouldn't have to test fit a battery for your car to ensure the size is right or the cold cranking amps are sufficient.
Originally Posted by Mitco39
Regardless of what did or did not happen here... I would like to hear AAMs side.
I would too. It's interesting how they have ignored this post and my email when they are on the forums and have been contacted by Trips.