Originally Posted by JakeZ34
yes I get trucks tail gating me all the time in my Z, the thing about it is sometimes their dicks too so they'll turn their brights on (yes it's that fcked in socal) and poor Z's with their low profile will get blinded by them (thank god for tints and rear view mirror shade) And you know what? If they want to tail gate me I let them, they just better be ready to get sued when they hit me in the back at a stop since I drive a 6MT and it rolls back a little sometimes on a slight incline red light. I'd say they'll learn the lesson the hard way but I'm not going to let them affect the way I love my car and we all know if we step on our gas pedal they'll be wondering where we went
People do that here on Long Island all the time...At one point some guy in a minivan was tailgating me on the parkway and decided to put his brights on for a good 5 or 10 minutes in traffic. I ended up brake checking him REALLY hard and he stopped.
But I'd be careful with the whole rolling scenario. In a lot of cases it's considered backing up and you're at fault for not having proper control of your vehicle. But it can be turned into your favor if the other driver is not giving you the proper room needed to operate your vehicle.